blue clear sky~~my new blog

    Hi, after spending some time at Rate my space I found my way to several of your blogs. I found that while many people were very kind, others were not. I decided to follow the kind people, who happen to have great style, too. I was thrilled to find mysweetsavannah, Susan from BetweenNapsOnThePorch, and Gollum. I admire mom_of_german_shorthair on RMS for her kind comments too. Through their blogs I found others who also inspire me, Just Beachy, Restyled Home, The Lettered Cottage, My Romantic Home, Back Porch Musings and others. I searched their older posts for inspiration and checked in almost daily for new posts. I have added comments to some and joined my first (and only so far) Tablescape Tuesday (oops Thursday now) thanks to Susan. While I have many great ideas, I struggle sometimes to decorate my home the way I dream of (my budget, confidence and time often get in the way.) I also struggle with defining my style. I like so many things! I want a bit of western rustic and at the same time a northern lakeside or beach feel. I also like some romantic and elegant touches too. So confusing. I will continue to visit my favourite blogs for inspiration, laughs, tears, etc. but I hope that by having a blog of my own, I will be able to more easily join weekly blogging events. I have a lot to learn but I hope to have fun on the journey.

    images: HGTV DreamHomes

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blue clear sky~~my new blog

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