I love the textures of our home. Leather, rope, stone, chippy wood, smooth glass, painted wood, soft quilts, rusty signs, crocheted edging, and more. I was inspired by Linda to see our home through textures. My annoying little camera and I took a quick trip around the house and captured some textures (it was, however, in the evening and the lack of lighting was a definite challenge, okay, my crappy little camera is the real challenge.) A photographer I am not, but I did enjoy seeing our home through different 'eyes'.
We've been very busy the last few weeks. Painting the stairway walls, our dining room, entry and hall, family room and the two storey wall in the family room and kitchen. I have taken a break from painting while I decide how to finish a centre wall that includes our fireplace/tv area/kitchen wall. Well, not really a break. In the meantime we are helping a nephew install our 14x20 foot paver patio in the backyard. Can I say that I. LOVE. STONE. Brussels Block from Unilock to be exact. A long awaited project but so worth the wait. The only thing keeping me from sneaking out in the middle of the night to check on my new patio is wondering if the neighbours would think I am crazy. But I guess if they are up at that time, peering into our yard, then who would be the crazy one?!!!!